My Grandchildren

Brittani Michelle Roy

Born September 22, 1994 in Omaha NE, Brittani is the oldest of 4
children her Mom (Amber) had. Her father is Jordan Hibler. He
abandoned Amber while she was still pregnant, and he has had no
contact with Amber or Brittani since that time.

Brittani misses having an active father-figure in her life to share
things and time with (as her siblings do), but she's adjusting.

As of 2008, Brittani is 14 years old, and is in the 9th grade.

Brittani is fiercely independent. She's an excellent 'big sister', setting examples for her other 3
siblings, and in helping her Mom with chores around the house.

Brittani has a strong interest in music and art. She's teaching herself how to play the guitar. She's also
taught herself to play the piano. Brittani also displays considerable talent in art, especially in the area of
drawing. Hopefully as she grows, she'll pursue those talents .. if time, money and opportunity are on her side.

I'm extremely proud of Brittani. She's a wonderful girl.